Tanner Family

Tanner Family

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sleeping Update

Last night was pretty rough.  Andrew woke up six (6!) times during the night (if you count the last time, which was actually his morning wake-up, but it was at 6 am, so I consider that during the night, since he used to sleep until about 7:30, at least).  Four of the wake-ups were during my sleep hours.  I only got about 6 hours of sleep max.  A lot of the time between wakings I couldn't sleep because I was paranoid that he'd wake up again any minute.  It took me back to the days of being a nursing mother.  (This is where Paul would chime in something like "are you SURE you want to have another one of these?"  And I'd reply "Yes, but not yet!")

I have a theory that the switch to a toddler bed has suddenly made him dislike sleeping in the dark, so I bought a night light today and we'll see how it goes tonight.  So far, so good.  He's been sleeping solid for about 3 hours now.  I remember moms I knew in Pittsburgh saying that when they made the switch to a toddler bed their kids suddenly freaked out about them closing their bedroom doors.  I tried leaving Andrew's door ajar and the hall light on last night, but that didn't seem to help.  I'm hoping the night light helps.  It's actually a really bright light, so his room isn't very dark with it.  Ok, I'm rambling and I'd better get to bed since there's no knowing what the night holds for me.  Wish us luck!

P.S.  At least he took a nap today, albeit a short 30-minute one.  That's about the nap length we've been getting out of him lately.

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