Tanner Family

Tanner Family

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Big Switch to the Big-Boy Bed

Getting Andrew to sleep has been kind of an ordeal lately.  It finally got to the point where Andrew was climbing out of his pack-n-play over, and over, and over (literally 100 times one night) and refusing to go to sleep.  So, we made another go at switching to the big-boy bed.  (We bought the bed off Craigslist on October 20, but he didn't have any interest in sleeping in it).  I didn't expect it to be so difficult, since he's been a pro at falling asleep by himself for so long, but he sort of has to re-learn how to go to sleep on his own now that he's in a new environment.  We're still at the point where we have to stay with him in his room until he completely falls asleep most nights, and some days he just doesn't take a nap (like today), but every day he seems to accept the bed as his even more.  In fact, he voluntarily climbs into it around bed-time sometimes.  Here's a picture of Andrew pointing to "his bed" after waking up from his first nap ever in his big-boy bed (which Paul had to take with him).

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is a super cool bed! Better keep this picture away from Sarah or she'll never want to go to bed in her ordinary bed again.

    The readjusting to sleep thing is rough, especially when he's been a good sleeper for so long. Hang in there and I hope you get to take a nap too some days. ;)
