Tanner Family

Tanner Family

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Things Fall Apart

I don't remember any of the plot of the book Things Fall Apart from high school English class, but the theme of entropy sure seems applicable to our household this week.

Everything in the bathroom is broken.  The Friday before last, just in time for guests to arrive on Saturday, our washer/dryer stopped drying clothes.  We've had the repair guy out to look at it twice and it's still broken!  He insists that nothing seems to be wrong with it.  Argghh.  This morning I set up the washer drain hose to drain into the bathtub to try to fix the problem.  I get a knock on my door just before lunch from my downstairs neighbor saying he has water leaking down the walls in his bathroom.  The drain hose had fallen out of the tub and there was water all over the bathroom floor.  Now every bath towel in the house is wet and on the floor.  I assured him that it was a one-time flooding event, unlike Thursday last week when he told me that he had had water leaking through his bathroom ceiling for the past few days.  Apparently all the bits of grout that have been chipping off from around the ancient bathroom tiles in our shower were the only things keeping water from seeping into the wall.  Then about two hours later the built-in washcloth holder in the shower came out completely, leaving a big gaping hole.  I guess the grout around it was in worse shape than I thought.  Oh, and one of the bathroom towel racks was broken from Andrew hanging on it, but we've fixed that now.

Another fitting title from literature for the past week could be "water, water everywhere."  Yesterday I was in our bedroom folding laundry and I noticed water dripping down the front of the window air conditioner.  I thought maybe rain was leaking in between the window and the a/c unit, which we just installed last week.  No, the rain was actually leaking in the cracks around the wooden window frame at the very top of the window.  Outside, water was pouring down between the rain gutter and the side of the house.  I looked down, and saw that there was also water literally streaming in from the electrical outlet in the wall.  Who knew you could have flooding in a second story apartment?  I had to laugh because a few months ago the shelves we had mounted on that wall came crashing down in the middle of the night.  Paul felt the plaster in the big holes that were left in the wall and he said he could tell the plaster was wet.  It had been raining hard and the rain gutter was broken but the handyman hadn't come to fix it yet.  When the handyman finally came and I told him that we thought the shelves came down because water soaked through the wall he said that couldn't be the case because if there was enough water in the wall to soften the plaster like that then there would also be water coming in through the electrical outlet box.  Well, now there is.  Thankfully we didn't re-mount those shelves onto that wall.  When the handyman came to look at it yesterday, he said the problem may be caused by a gap that's developed between the chimney and the house.  Oh, I'm so glad I don't own this house!

The cherry on top was when Paul's x-box 360 suddenly got the "red ring of death" (aka broke) Monday night after he had taken a day off work and spent the whole day building a contraption to enable him to play a driving game while sitting in the nintendo chair like it's the driving seat of a car.


Is that enough complaining?  I think I'm done now.      

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