Tanner Family

Tanner Family

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Green Smoothies

I'd been wanting to learn how to make good-tasting smoothies with spinach in them, and in May I came across a good method on an old friend's blog.  I've made lots of these since.  Andrew even drinks them!

Here is the method that I've adapted from my friend:

1. Put a couple of handfuls of spinach in the blender (about 1 cup packed).  Add a banana.  Then pour in water, or a combination of water and some good orange juice, so that it almost comes up to the top of the spinach heap.  Blend really well so there aren't any spinach chunks left.  I've found that you want to use enough liquid that it blends really well, but if you use too much the smoothie will taste watery.

2. Add a bunch of frozen, or fresh, berries, maybe 1-2 cups.  You can use any berries you like.  I find I get the best flavor with a combo of strawberries, blue berries, raspberries, and blackberries.  Blend the mixture really well again.  Taste it and add more berries as needed.

3. I sometimes add some blue agave nectar if I want it sweeter.  You could certainly use sugar or whatever. 

In the end you'll have a smoothie that doesn't look or taste green, but has some green goodness in it.

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