Tanner Family

Tanner Family

Sunday, March 20, 2011

A Jersey City Poem

A poem I composed about a week or so ago, about dog poop on the sidewalks here:


After last night's heavy
Only the largest turds

We had some crazy heavy rain and wind over a week ago, and it seems that ever since then the weather has been pretty good.  Thursday was up to 62 degrees and sunny, then Friday was up to 75!  I took Andrew to our nearby park on Thursday and the playground was just crawling with kids.  We saw the first appearance of the ice cream truck as well, though I resisted the temptation.  Friday we went to a park in the next city over for our ward's playgroup, and had a great time there as well.  

This past Wednesday and Thursday our landlord's handyman finally came and fixed various things in our apartment, including replacing the washer hookups in the bathroom.  We've now ordered a washer/dryer!  It is a little unit that is a washer and dryer combined into one machine.  It doesn't require a higher voltage electrical outlet or a dryer exhaust vent, so it' perfect for our bathroom.  We can't wait to NOT do laundry at the laundromat!  It seriously takes up at least half a day for me to do the laundry at the laundromat 4 blocks away.  Here are the steps:  get Andrew and the stroller down the stairs, stroller Andrew (I don't trust him to walk holding my hand 'cause he always lets go of my hand and runs ahead) to wherever the car is parked up the block and around the corner, strap him into the car, drive the car to the curb in front of the house, lug the laundry down the stairs and into the car, drive the laundry to the laundromat, lug the laundry into the laundromat while keeping Andrew from running around the parking lot of the laundromat, load the laundry into the machines (I do two loads: one warm water and one cold water) while keeping an eye on Andrew running around the laundromat, let Andrew help me put the quarters into the machine which takes quite a while since he drops about every one before getting it into the slot, put Andrew back into the car and drive home, then drive Andrew out to the laundromat about 40 minutes later to switch the laundry to the dryers then drive home, then drive Andrew out about an hour later, or whenever I can due to Andrew's nap schedule, pick up the laundry, drive it to the front on our house, lug it up the stairs while Andrew waits in the car, then park the car, load Andrew into the stroller and wheel him home, then get Andrew and the stroller back up the stairs into our apartment.  It's not like it's the worst living condition or anything, but it will be so much quicker, easier, cheaper, and more convenient to just take the clothes from the hamper in the bathroom, throw them in the machine in the bathroom, turn it on, and go about the other gazillion little things on my list.  I can't wait!

Now we're just waiting for the electrician to come convert our electrical outlets from two prongs to three so we can move the last of our bookshelves into place and unpack it, as so I won't have an extension cord lying across my kitchen counter anymore.  Yay!

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